
What´s new in music industry?

Hello there, i want to talk a little about this new scenario in the "music industry".
All of us who want to live of their work sometime dreamed about being signed by a record label and have their songs in vinyl or a Cd with their names printed shining on the cover. No one can deny this..it´s one of the big carrots in our careers. But in this amazing new century the scenario is absolutely novel, we have this new deeva, digital online sales..a miracle for record labels and a pain in the ass for new artists. And why I say this? Well it´s really simple, in the past we used to make our songs, presented them to A&R´s (guys who work for music companies deciding what´s good or what´s not comercially talking ) and if the song was good, we received some money in advance of future sales and we can continue working, with some money in the pocket and the hope of more in the future. Now, as the labels have the chance of publish zillions of songs without wasting a cent, we can´t ask for a single penny in advance concept and of course we have a rough competence of other artists, now we´re loads of musicians offering their work to millions little record labels that sell through music portals (the big ones: ITunes, MSN; the smaller: Beatport, Traxxsource, Juno and you can imagine how many more are)
The result is a totally mess, where as usual, no artist win,only the stores and the labels gets their money of our sweat.
How can we, artists, fight this? Well, i dont know really, the old way had its benefits and its oddities and this new way is abolutely unpredictable so..maby you can add something to this discussion, doors are open.
Good night


New feature..

Hello my friends, you can see at your right a black cube. Well, its a radio station powered by the BBC. You can listen there the kind of music i like. Take a tour and tell me how is the experience ..enjoy!


And all continue this way...

Well, as i let in the last post, i took part of MACAFERRI y ASOC, a funny and popular pop music band, during the nineties. With this band I learned how to produce, record and sell music, if you know what I mean :). We released 2 CDs, the 1st one "Bombacha Veloz" and the 2nd one "2da Parte". In 1994 this band sudenlly ended its career and i continue producing in my place.
In 2003 I entered the house/dance music world, composing and producing tracks in this style and using my voice for the very first time in my life ( comercially at least). The results were really good, between 2004 and 2005 i was signed by some labels worldwide and this year i got a great deal with a small label in England to co-produce great soulful music...so stay tuned!


The story so far..

Let me go to the past for a while..
All started circa 1975 when i was a teen. I beg my parents for an electric guitar, my 1st one ( an argentine Fratti Les Paul) and this Xmas i finally received a beautiful wine red one. With this cute thing, I started to learn how to play till 1980 when ( again my father) bought me a gorgeous Gibson ES 347. During this years I study a lot with different teachers, like Professor J.C Zemp, the big Santiago Grande Castelli, Victor Rodriguez and some more and of course took part of many rock and pop bands in my place.
About 1983 and yet a well known guitarist, I created my 1st important band, ACME, with some interesting guys like Hector "Turco" Mansur, Julio Kobryn and others. This band was the foundation for other important band in my career, EFE EME. In this one I share credits with Pablo Granados, whom later, in 1992 take me to my 1st important work as producer, MACAFERRI y ASOC. With this band, i reached the gold in 1993 with the 1st CD, called "Bombacha Veloz"
...and this will continue :)

New boy on the block..

Hello all my friends and the rest of the world ;)
I´m Alfredo Norese, music producer, former live artist, and composer.
I´m 43 years old ( till august 11th) and I´m married with a beautiful woman who gave me 4 ( yes four!) amazing boys ( yes..all boys)
I was born and still live in Rosario, Province of Santa Fe, in the incredible and far Argentina.
I´ll try to present here all my work and keep actualized my musical life for all you.
As a start i can tell you that very soon I´ll be realising a new song in a compilation CD through ETERNAL SUNDAY RECORDS .The song itself is a remix of the classic 1980 Jimmy Sommerville´s track