
News for the summer..( summer in Argentina)

Hello my friends, long time since we were here right? Well, I´ve been really busy working in loads of things. F.e. you can now check my new realease at Eternal Sunday, the new argentine record label. This was something i was developing during some months and now you can say what you think about it ( and of course buy it !)
And, i was preparing my recent live show in CEC Rosario. As a part of the 2nd Digital Art Festival i played a live set, with my friends "Kabron" Paez and Santiago Quadri. And was really great, I´m sorry if you lose it! Lol

You can see at the top a pic of the live band ( don´t we look really pro?)
Besides that, I´m still busy, because I´m preparing a new tune for Eternal Sunday, a remix for Oryx Music and..No..better i shut my mouth, because this could be really a big and GREAT NEW for next year